Bound By Blood: AFI reflect on their past, present and crimson future. Happy Holidays! Now we pay for it in our dearest blood. We attended their Burials with unforgiving despair. Many left turns later, AFI reappear with The Blood Album. We ask our #49 cover stars, how do they keep their fire inside?
Inside This Issue
2016: Don’t Hit Your Ass on the Way Out
2016 was like getting hit by one gut-punch after another. Ah jeez, all my rock Gods died. Oh, a tangerine maniac is occupying the White House. Damn, my phone blew up in my pocket. The Goon Squad gives pause to celebrate the wins and scratch our heads at the infamy that was 2016.
Crazier than GG, yet more PC than Ian
Silverstein <3’s Punk In Drublic
Shane Told “never gave a fuck about being cool,” and that’s why he still loves NOFX’ classic punk rock album Punk In Drublic after all this time. Who says NOFX wasn’t cool? Your mum? Ugh, she rocks U2, what does she know.
A Day To Remember Soil Our Van, and Our Minds
Disclaimer according to the band: “This interview’s comprised of alcohol, sleeping, jacking off and food.”
Frank Carter’s Pushing Women To The Front
Some much needed #RealTalk about women in the punk and hardcore scene, and how his own experiences—good and bad—changed his perspective.
Nightwish: A Vehicle of Spirit Beyond Imagination
Nightwish once had a dream. Their whirlwind Endless Forms Most Beautiful tour was that dream coming true. Vocalist Floor Jansen talks fame, science and Richard Dawkins reciting poetry in our #QualityHang