Dani Filth dishes on how he got into horror and how he actually made Tony …

Raising Ravens is the latest rock n’ blues project from Jess Jean Ravens, aka Jess Finlayson of the thrice-j’d radio darlings Nitocris and Fyreflyes, formed during the salad pandemic days after another band Mis-Made went on hiatus. Riding on the back of a barrel wave, their latest EP doesn’t match the “grot grrrl” style of yesteryear, still packing a mighty wallop nonetheless. Bright Side’s almighty bass-driven stomp recalling some of the more skull-clutching moments of Misfits, at least in tone. Nails, a pitch-perfect 80s goth throwback on the same black leather-clad level as Unto Others or local heroes True Believer, vampish vocals dominating and tied up in a solo as dirty as a dive bar martini.
It’s no surprise that this EP was motivated by the old mantra of all killer, no filler – because rock fans have plenty to love on this record, guaranteed.
Four on the floor blues punk continues a-go-go within the rabble rouser Blame Shame Inc., a song collected around a springy bassline that’ll worm directly into your head and won’t ever let go for love or money. This EP throws nothing but curveballs, as semi-demi acoustic ballad Jealousies strums its way through some dark emotions, all instantly relatable like a good post-breakup wallow as rain streaks down a lonely window pane, Ravens’ Suzi Gardner-esque (L7) vocals making the heartbreak bloody and complete. If you picked a bass-heavy headbanger was up next, then I’m coming to you for lotto numbers. Mystical and psychedelically-tinctured, this humble worship of stoner riffage (no vox, natch) will inspire spontaneous lounge room and dance floor moshes, a rollicking end to a truly eclectic debut EP.
Finlayson and company have found an urgent and captivating sound in Raising Ravens, amplifying their mastery of all things loud n’ heavy. It’s no surprise that this EP was motivated by the old mantra of all killer, no filler – because rock fans have plenty to love on this record, guaranteed.
STICK THIS NEXT TO: L7, Brunhilde, Skulker
STANDOUT TRACKS: Nails, Jealousies, Bright Side