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MAYHEM with Bölzer, Ruins +Départe
Max Watts, Melbourne
17th January 2018
As the kvlt legions, and the dedicated few who made the effort to rock corpsepaint, descend on Max Watts there’s a feeling that something special is going to happen tonight. In their 30-plus year career, this marks only the third time Mayhem have set foot on Australian soil – and dudebros have on their spiffiest battle vests for the occasion.
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Said dudebros are frothing over the lineup, no matter how many times they’ve seen tonight’s opening one-two punch of Départe and Ruins. The pit is positively heaving before the two Tasmanian acts have finished with us tonight.

Ruins // By Bree Wallace
Then Swiss black/death two-piece Bölzer take the stage, sounding like Satryicon at their most deathrock. It was diabolical back then, and now, it’s still pretty diabolic to watch the two-piece hack and slash through a set that sounds like what Bolt Thrower and Darkthrone being tape trading buddies should sound like.

Bolzer // By Bree Wallace
As smoke billows out across the crowd, it becomes evident that there are two versions of Mayhem – Mayhem the Band, and Mayhem the Myth. And that gloriously gory myth makes the eyes of every maladjusted teenager light up when they discover it. Granted, that myth has gotten them pretty bloody far, but this 2018 damnit – pop stars are playing lean pong, and the 30-plus year old memory of some ashy churches and kvlt fashion accessories doesn’t hold a candle to the nihilistic face-tattooed heartthrobs young psychopaths today have by the boatload to idolise.
That’s why it’s so good to see these dudes finally embrace Mayhem the Band – who have always ruled, but never managed to outshine Mayhem the Myth. Playing 1994’s De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in full, their first album where human Ghostbusters villain Attila Csihar took over on vocals, their set focuses on the part of their Wikipedia entry that nobody bothers scrolling down to – where a band with notoriety demonstrated their world-class musicianship. And fuck they rule as they burn through the Cursed in Eternity and From the Dark Past, this Norwegian black metal crew feels dangerous despite their vintage.
When the band’s set finishes up, it’s clear that, if metal wants to be anything other than pop music with shittier haircuts, it needs to build on the legacy of bands like Mayhem.

Mayhem // By Bree Wallace
MAYHEM ‘DE MYSTERIIS DOM SATHANAS’ Australian Tour with Special Guests Bolzer, Ruins and Departe Continues Tonight In Sydney.
Tickets Available Here.
Thursday January 18, Max Watts, Sydney NSW
Friday January 19, The Triffid, Brisbane QLD
Sunday January 21, Mona Foma, Hobart TAS (Mayhem Only)