gypsy road hysteria

GYPSY ROAD // The 7 Stages Of Grief

There’s something iconic about dropping a gut-wrenching break-up tune the same week Valentines Day falls, but that’s exactly what Melbourne emo/post-punk outfit Gypsy Road have done.

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Fueled with passion and pain, new single, The 7 Stages Of Grief explores the journey of denial to acceptance when processing a fresh break-up.

jet boys hysteria

One of the coolest parts of the track are the duel vocals from singer Alex Centofanti and guest Peony Cain. Both voices are heard from the first verse bringing a ton of extra emotion from the outset and throughout. The fact the two vocalists are singing the same parts together tugs on the heart strings. Both parties are going through the exact same emotions and when you’re mid-break-up it’s easy to forget that.

Centofanti says, “This one is about mourning a breakup and feeling like someone you’ve loved has died. For the first time ever, we decided to include female vocals and screams, which was a new experience for us. I feel like it adds more depth to the intensity and passion.” 

The 7 Stages Of Grief is the type of tune you’d find on the mixtape your former sweetheart makes for you when they can’t find the words to say goodbye. You will then blast this track at full volume through headphones in your room whilst simultaneously going through old photos and love letters. The guitars are warm and the Aussie accents are thick – this song is relatable as hell.

Formed in 2017, Gypsy Road have released three EPs and supported bands like The Smith Street Band, Private Function and The Bennies. The release is just a taste of what’s to come with Gypsy Road also announcing their debut Album ‘Letters To A Friend, From Interstate’ is coming by middle of the year.

Stream here.

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