
HARD NOISE // Episode 6 with Ne Obliviscaris

Featuring on Episode 6 of Hard Noise: CJ and Sam invite special guest Ne Obliviscaris’ Tim Charles to discuss issues with being a musician and monetising the passion as a business. That’s right, it turns out you can actually make money from music. Who knew?!

Also inside: CJ and Sam chat about the natural disasters that have hit us in recent times. Is there a possible connection with the supposed super moon that approximately seven of us actually saw? Plus: Robin Staps from The Ocean calls in, a review of the new Devilment record and the recent Deftones show, and in the What Shits Me Most‘™ segment CJ and Sam slam the notorious Australian summer pest—the barbecue ruining buzzing menace, the fly.

Listen now to avoid the early start of Christmas carols ya hear?

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