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Accompanying the reunion of Wishful Thinking last year the band released an independent LP titled Dreams Get Left in the Past which set the tone for their independent releases that have since followed.
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At the forefront of those is the recent release of their latest single, Time To Be Alone, which boasts the same rhythmic pop-punk melodies that first gathered attention towards them back in the day.
Beginning with a thrash of the high-hat, the full force of the band’s instrumentation enters within seconds and hears lead vocalism Carl Jackson bellowing that now is the Time To Be Alone. As the rhythm section glides through the opening verse at full speed ahead, it’s almost as though the chorus comes around too quickly, though that’s not too quick, for the full length of the track is only a mere punk-popping 87 seconds.
It’s almost as though teen angst meets midlife crisis and it’s one revelation that’d be best dealt with at volume 11.
It’s almost as though teen angst meets midlife crisis and it’s one revelation that’d be best dealt with at volume 11. Within that minute and a half, however, there’s a dichotomy of emotion that fuels through the lyrics and intermittent breakdown; straight through the screeching guitar solo and into an unrelenting melody that’ll get stuck in your head, whether you’re a fan of Australian pop-punk or not.
While their lineup has been slightly altered since reforming, the essence within the 2020 single track Time To Be Alone doesn’t suggest that the heart and soul of the band have changed as well. The energy within it showcases how it’s still very much there, and if anything, the momentum within the choruses have been enhanced by their time spent in hiatus.
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