Dani Filth dishes on how he got into horror and how he actually made Tony …
Having endured battles with mental health over the years, Time Changes Nothing almost feels like a gonzo-styled therapy session; an unflinching insight into the psyche of lead singer and vocalist David De La Hoz.
MORE: VOID OF VISION: Something Old, Something New // CHASE ATLANTIC: Pensive Is As Pensive Does: “The Harder Life Is, The Better I Think Our Music Will Become.” REVIEWS: CHASE ATLANTIC: Beauty In Death // ROB ZOMBIE: The Lunar Injection Kool Aid Eclipse Conspiracy // VOID OF VISION: Hyperdaze (Redux) // ERRA: Erra // STEPSON: Help Me, Help You
Pair that with the sharp riffs that intertwine between multi faceted drum fills on Take Your Pill to breakdowns so heavy it feels almost like Alpha Wolf. Fair to say, Belle Haven has us hooked.
A melancholic, subdued rhythm section and anthemic chorus shows huge promise when the group reaches bigger heights and uses additional instruments. Belle Haven have such a full sound to their music that I would absolutely love to hear the result of experimentation with orchestras like Architects have dabbled in. Nobody Likes A Hospital has more of an early 2000’s punk rock vibe to it; with it’s ascending riffs and soaring chorus, it’s no wonder it’s already gone down well with fans.
Fair to say, Belle Haven has us hooked.
For an EP that is packed with emotionally charged lyricism, Hopeless. Empty. Lonely. Painful cuts the deepest. The opening line of “I’ve had the noose in the back of my car for about three years” is brutally honest whilst the sing-along in the bridge will absolutely dominate the gig scene.
Throughout the entire release, fill-in drummer Declan White does an absolutely phenomenal job, with his intricate fills being relentless and precise in their timing. Stranger Memories gives you one last dose of his incredible abilities by kicking in with impressive isolated percussion. The song also provides for the album’s heaviest moments with it’s face paced breakdown and vocal harmonisations ringing out Time Changes Nothing perfectly.
STANDOUT TRACKS: Stranger Memories, Nobody Likes A Hospital
STICK THIS NEXT TO: Alpha Wolf, Fall Out Boy, Pridelands