GravemindThe Deathgate

11 August, 2017
Blast Beats Abound

Gravemind were vaguely on the ‘forefront of deathcore’ radar with their first EP The Hateful One but never quite stood out. They’ve tightened themselves up with this release, much like contemporaries Daybreak did just last week with their own Death Dreams. Deadspace and Human drop low enough to satisfy the breakdown hunger. A tinge of Oceans Ate Alaska-esque guitar weedling opens up the title track before we’re thrust into a pit of tremolo picking.

Ooft and the suspense of a constant screamed “what is wrong with you?” for a full 50 seconds before the chugged onslaught? Yes boys, we’ll have more of that please and thanks!

Ooft and the suspense of a constant screamed “what is wrong with you?” for a full 50 seconds before the chugged onslaught? Yes boys, we’ll have more of that please and thanks! Blast beats abound in Echo and they just sort of… stop to call in the next section. Alpha Wolf’s Aiden Ellaz arrives for a brief feature that might seem phoned in but don’t be deceived; hell is on its way in the song’s dying moments. The Deathgate is uncompromisingly heavy, and shows Gravemind are ahead of the deathcore pack.

STANDOUT TRACKS: Echo, The Deathgate and Anaesthesia
STICK THIS NEXT TO: Daybreak, Aversions Crown, I Exalt

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